never开头的倒装句 telephone舞蹈教学



He never goes to the gym. (他从不去健身房。)

Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset. (我从未见过如此美丽的日落。)

否定副词位于句首negative adverbs in front position for emphasis, 我们把主语和助动词换个位置,进行倒装。

这些否定副词有:1-never,2-hardly ever, 3-seldom, 4-rarely, 5-little, 6-nowhere 7-hardly/barely/scarcely...when ; no sooner...than...


1- never 从不

Never have I been so insulted! 我从来没有被这样侮辱过!

Never have we witnessed such cruel behaviour by one child to another. 我们从未见过一个孩子对另一个孩子如此残忍的行为。

Never has he felt so embarrassed. 他从未感到如此尴尬过。

Never had she seen such a beautiful sight before. 她以前从未见过如此美丽的景色。

Never again will I eat at that restaurant. The food was terrible. 我再也不会去那家餐馆吃饭了。 食物很难吃。

Never again will our people suffer as they did. 我们的人民再也不会遭受那样的苦难了。

Never will I fly BA again. 我再也不会坐英航了。

2-hardly ever 几乎从不

Hardly ever do they talk to each other. 他们彼此几乎从不说话。

Hardly ever do we see them anymore. 我们几乎再也见不到他们了

Hardly ever have Bill thrown anything away from that day on. 从那天起,比尔几乎没有扔掉过任何东西

3-seldom 很少

Seldom do I go to the cinema. 我很少去看电影。

Seldom do we see such an amazing display of dance. 我们很少看到如此惊人的舞蹈表演。

Seldom does one hear a politician say ‘sorry’. 人们很少听到政治家说“对不起”。

Seldom have I seen such beautiful work. 我很少看到这么漂亮的作品。

4-rarely 很少

Rarely does he work on the weekends. 他很少在周末工作。

Rarely do we see gypsies. 我们很少看到吉普赛人。

Rarely will you hear such beautiful music. 你很少能听到如此美妙的音乐。

Rarely have I seen such a beautiful animal. 我很少看到这么漂亮的动物。

5-little 很少

Little did he know! 他一点也不知道!

Little did they know about me. 他们对我知之甚少。

Little did I know that this spelled the end of my career. 我一点也没想到这会断送了我的职业生涯。

Little did he understand the situation. 他一点也不了解情况。

Little have I read concerning nanotechnology. 我几乎没有读过有关纳米技术的文章。

Little was I aware that she was in town. 我一点也不知道她在城里。

6-nowhere 没有哪里

Nowhere have I ever had such bad service. 我在任何地方都没有遇到过这么差的服务。

nowhere have conditions deteriorated faster than in Venezuela.没有任何地方的情况比委内瑞拉恶化得更快

Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place. 世界上没有别的地方能有这样一个安静、美丽的地方。

Nowhere else can you see such a variety of world-class talent and such a range of work and ideas in one place. 在其他任何地方,你都无法在一个地方看到如此多样的世界级人才、如此广泛的工作和想法。

Nowhere are the perils of technology more commonly overlooked than in the workplace. 没有什么地方比工作场所更容易忽视技术的危害。

Nowhere are deadlines as malleable as they are in trade negotiations. 贸易谈判中的最后期限最具可塑性

Nowhere will this be more critical than in the battle for brains. 没有什么比争夺人才更重要了。

7-- hardly/barely/scarcely...when...

no sooner...than...

关联连词hardly/scarcely/barely when

关联连词no sooner than

Barely had we arrived when it started to rain. 我们刚到就开始下雨了。

Hardly had I got into bed when the telephone rang. 我刚上床,电话铃就响了。

Scarcely had I got off the bus when it crashed into the back of a car. 我刚下公共汽车,它就撞上了一辆汽车的尾部。

No sooner had we arrived home than the police rang the doorbell. 我们刚到家,警察就按响了门铃。

never开头的倒装句 扩展

Never have I tasted this yummy dishes 我还从来没有吃过这个美味的菜肴。






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